Greetings! My name is Danny Dillard. Since 2002, my wife Bebee and I have had the joy and honor of being the founding lead pastors of LifeWay Church. In October of 1996, I was radically saved and instantly delivered from drugs and alcohol. After experiencing first-hand the power of God’s forgiveness and redeeming love, I feel privileged to be able to minister hope to the hurting in every walk of life. Bebee and I have both experienced God’s mercy and grace as we walked through divorce and then found each other, married, and blended our families. Because of that, we are able to minister to others going through the same thing. We’ve seen God restore marriages and heal families. The Lord once asked me, "What do you have that’s worth sharing with this generation?”. My answer came easily, “a changed life”. I want everyone I meet to experience the power of God’s transformative love. As a pastor and teacher, my mandate from the Lord is to raise up leaders and to teach the truth of God’s word in a way that is inspirational, practical, and relatable. It is my prayer that every born again believer would be a doer of the word in the home, on the job, and in their sphere of influence. It is my belief that in these last days, like never before, we will see a mighty army rising up and advancing the Kingdom of God over all the earth until the Lord’s return.
Sunday 8:00am - 1:00pm
Wednesday 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Service Times
Sunday 9:00am and 11:00am
Wednesday 7:00pm